SHERBROOKE vs LAVAL (2022-08-27)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)

SHERBROOKE (0-1) vs. LAVAL (1-0)

Date: 2022-08-27  • Site: LAVAL  • Stadium: STADE TELUS-UL  •  Attendance: 9221

Score by Quarters  Score 
SHERBROOKE   0  0  0  3  3 
LAVAL   6  17  0  4  27 

1st  06:41  LAV   Vinc. Blanchard 34 yd field goal 
         11 plays, 59 yards, TOP 6:41  0 - 3 
  11:29  LAV   Vinc. Blanchard 27 yd field goal 
         5 plays, 39 yards, TOP 1:30  0 - 6 
2nd  01:19  LAV   Kevin Mital 9 yd pass from Ar. Desjardins (Vinc. Blanchard kick) 
         7 plays, 73 yards, TOP 3:20  0 - 13 
  07:33  LAV   Vinc. Blanchard 12 yd field goal 
         8 plays, 40 yards, TOP 3:22  0 - 16 
  14:42  LAV   David Dallaire 5 yd run (Vinc. Blanchard kick) 
         6 plays, 55 yards, TOP 1:13  0 - 23 
4th  02:43  SHE   Louis Tardif 25 yd field goal 
         7 plays, 68 yards, TOP 2:58  3 - 23 
  08:46  LAV   TEAM safety 
           3 - 25 
  12:52  LAV   TEAM safety 
           3 - 27 

Kickoff time: 19:08  • End of Game: 21:55  • Total elapsed time: 2:47
Referee: STEPHANE ROY  •  Umpire: HUGO DALLAIRE  •  Linesman: MARTIN CAUX  •  Line judge: CHARLES LAMPRON •  Back judge: RENALD DULAC  •  Field judge: ALEXANDRE BOILY •  Side judge: M-O CHAMBERLAND •  Scorer: ESTHER TURGEON  • 
Temperature: 18 C  • Wind: 8 KMH SO • Weather: DEGAGE


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)

 Team Totals  SHE  LAV 
FIRST DOWNS  16  24 
   Rushing  10 
   Passing  14 
   Rushing Attempts  13  21 
   Average Per Rush  3.8  6.2 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  53  130 
   Yards Lost Rushing 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  12-28-2  28-38-1 
   Average Per Attempt  5.0  8.1 
   Average Per Completion  11.8  11.0 
   Passing Touchdowns 
TEAM LOSSES  -46  -8 
   Total offense plays  46  60 
   Average Gain Per Play  3.1  7.2 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  7-40  11-120 
PUNTS-YARDS  6-256  5-202 
   Average Yards Per Punt  42.7  40.4 
   Net Yards Per Punt  29.8  39.6 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  1-57  3-172 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  57.0  57.3 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  40.0  48.7 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  4-4-0  6-77-0 
   Average Per Return  1.0  12.8 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  3-26-0  1-17-0 
   Average Per Return  8.7  17.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  1-9-0  2-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Possession Time  27:21  32:39 
   1st Quarter  4:48  10:12 
   2nd Quarter  7:14  7:46 
   3rd Quarter  8:47  6:13 
   4th Quarter  6:32  8:28 
Third-Down Conversions  0 of 3  2 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  1-2  4-4 
   Touchdowns  0-2  2-4 
   Field goals  1-2  2-4 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  1-6  5-32 
PAT Kicks  0-0  2-2 
Field Goals  1-1  3-3 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)

RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Lucas Dalin   31  27  12  4.5 
Pier-O. Cadoret  15  15  11  7.5 
Jimmy Larose-J.  1.8 
Zach. Cloutier   0.0 
Totals...  13  53  49  12  3.8 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Joanik Masse   47  47  14  7.8 
Gabriel Leblond  46  46  15  9.2 
Ar. Desjardins   11  11  10  3.7 
Alex Duff   11  11  5.5 
David Dallaire   4.0 
Theod. Seaborn   2.3 
Totals...  21  130  130  15  6.2 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Zach. Cloutier   12-28-2  141  45 
Totals...  12-28-2  141  45 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Ar. Desjardins   28-38-1  308  28 
Totals...  28-38-1  308  28 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Kevin Morin   51  18 
Emilio Jaimes L  52  45 
Jimmy Larose-J.  22  22 
Marc-Andre Shaw 
Will. Paquette  
Lucas Dalin  
Totals...  12  141  45 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Ed. Arsenault   86  24 
Kevin Mital   66  27 
David Dallaire   43  18 
Alex Duff   41  28 
A. Dansereau-L.  40  16 
Mathieu Hudon   13 
Freder. Antoine 
Is. Gaillardetz 
Joanik Masse  
Totals...  28  308  28 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Jacob Camire   256  42.7  52 
Totals...  256  42.7  52 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Vinc. Blanchard  202  40.4  51 
Totals...  202  40.4  51 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Marc-Andre Shaw  11  11 
Jonathan Monger 
Max. Brousseau  
Pier-O. Cadoret  15  14 
Totals...  26  14 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Alex Duff   13  13  17  17 
A. Dansereau-L.  64  22 
Alec Poirier  
Arnaud Laporte  
Totals...  77  22  17  17 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Emilio Jaimes L  52  52 
Kevin Morin   51  51 
Pier-O. Cadoret  15  15  30 
Lucas Dalin   27  30 
Jimmy Larose-J.  22  29 
Marc-Andre Shaw  11  22 
Jonathan Monger 
Will. Paquette  
Max. Brousseau  
Totals...  49  141  26  229 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
A. Dansereau-L.  40  64  104 
Ed. Arsenault   86  86 
Alex Duff   11  41  17  13  82 
Kevin Mital   66  66 
Joanik Masse   47  52 
David Dallaire   43  51 
Gabriel Leblond  46  46 
Mathieu Hudon   13  13 
Ar. Desjardins   11  11 
Freder. Antoine 
Theod. Seaborn  
Is. Gaillardetz 
Totals...  130  308  17  77  532 
Louis Tardif  4th  12:17  25 yards  Good 
Vinc. Blanchard  1st  08:19  34 yards  Good 
Vinc. Blanchard  1st  03:31  27 yards  Good 
Vinc. Blanchard  2nd  07:27  12 yards  Good 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Louis Tardif   57  57.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Vinc. Blanchard  172  57.3 
FUMBLES: SHERBROOKE-None. LAVAL-Mathieu Hudon 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
SHE   1st  S35  08:19  Possession  S47  05:01     Punt  5-12  3:18    
SHE   1st  S35  03:31  Possession  S35  02:01     Punt  2-0  1:30    
SHE   2nd  S04  13:39  Kickoff  S17  10:49     Punt  4-13  2:50    
SHE   2nd  S35  07:27  Possession  S35  06:55     Interception  1-0  0:32    
SHE   2nd  S13  05:03  Punt  S55  01:31     Downs  8-42  3:32    
SHE   2nd  S05  00:12  Kickoff  S07  00:00     End of half  2-2  0:12    
SHE   3rd  S20  14:54  Kickoff  L52  11:11     Punt  6-38  3:43    
SHE   3rd  S33  08:07  Interception  L14  03:24     Interception  10-63  4:43 
SHE   3rd  S24  00:15  Punt  L18  12:17  FIELD GOAL  7-68  2:58 
SHE   4th  S15  10:43  Punt  S18  09:27     Punt  2-3  1:16    
SHE   4th  S08  07:10  Punt  S00  06:14  SAFETY  3--8  0:56    
SHE   4th  S14  02:59  Punt  S00  02:08  SAFETY  3--14  0:51    
SHE   4th  L49  01:13  Fumble  L49  00:27     Punt  2-0  0:46    
LAV   1st  L25  15:00  Kickoff  S26  08:19  FIELD GOAL  11-59  6:41    
LAV   1st  L51  05:01  Punt  S20  03:31  FIELD GOAL  5-39  1:30 
LAV   1st  L37  02:01  Punt  S00  13:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-73  3:20 
LAV   2nd  S45  10:49  Punt  S05  07:27  FIELD GOAL  8-40  3:22 
LAV   2nd  S49  06:55  Interception  S49  05:03     Punt  2-0  1:52    
LAV   2nd  L55  01:31  Downs  S00  00:18  TOUCHDOWN  6-55  1:13 
LAV   3rd  L24  11:11  Punt  S41  08:07     Interception  5-45  3:04    
LAV   3rd  L10  03:24  Interception  L45  00:15     Punt  5-35  3:09    
LAV   4th  L35  12:17  Possession  L43  10:43     Punt  2-8  1:34    
LAV   4th  L55  09:27  Punt  S41  07:10     Punt  4-14  2:17    
LAV   4th  L35  06:14  Possession  S50  02:59     Punt  5-25  3:15    
LAV   4th  L35  02:08  Possession  L49  01:13     Fumble  3-14  0:55    
LAV   4th  L20  00:27  Punt  L18  00:00     End of half  2--2  0:27    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
SHERBROOKE   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   04:48   07:14   08:47   06:32      12:02   15:19      27:21  
3rd Down Conversions   0/0   0/1   0/0   0/2      0/1   0/2      0/3  
Average field position  S35   S14   S25   S24      S21   S25      S23  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0      0/0   0/0      0/0  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
LAVAL   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   10:12   07:46   06:13   08:28      17:58   14:41      32:39  
3rd Down Conversions   1/1   1/1   0/0   0/0      2/2   0/0      2/2  
Average field position  L37   S50   L17   L36      L49   L30      L39  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/0      0/0   0/0      0/0  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
LAV   1st  L25  15:00  Kickoff  S26  08:19  FIELD GOAL  11-59  6:41    
SHE   1st  S35  08:19  Possession  S47  05:01     Punt  5-12  3:18    
LAV   1st  L51  05:01  Punt  S20  03:31  FIELD GOAL  5-39  1:30 
SHE   1st  S35  03:31  Possession  S35  02:01     Punt  2-0  1:30    
LAV   1st  L37  02:01  Punt  S00  13:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-73  3:20 
SHE   2nd  S04  13:39  Kickoff  S17  10:49     Punt  4-13  2:50    
LAV   2nd  S45  10:49  Punt  S05  07:27  FIELD GOAL  8-40  3:22 
SHE   2nd  S35  07:27  Possession  S35  06:55     Interception  1-0  0:32    
LAV   2nd  S49  06:55  Interception  S49  05:03     Punt  2-0  1:52    
SHE   2nd  S13  05:03  Punt  S55  01:31     Downs  8-42  3:32    
LAV   2nd  L55  01:31  Downs  S00  00:18  TOUCHDOWN  6-55  1:13 
SHE   2nd  S05  00:12  Kickoff  S07  00:00     End of half  2-2  0:12    
SHE   3rd  S20  14:54  Kickoff  L52  11:11     Punt  6-38  3:43    
LAV   3rd  L24  11:11  Punt  S41  08:07     Interception  5-45  3:04    
SHE   3rd  S33  08:07  Interception  L14  03:24     Interception  10-63  4:43 
LAV   3rd  L10  03:24  Interception  L45  00:15     Punt  5-35  3:09    
SHE   3rd  S24  00:15  Punt  L18  12:17  FIELD GOAL  7-68  2:58 
LAV   4th  L35  12:17  Possession  L43  10:43     Punt  2-8  1:34    
SHE   4th  S15  10:43  Punt  S18  09:27     Punt  2-3  1:16    
LAV   4th  L55  09:27  Punt  S41  07:10     Punt  4-14  2:17    
SHE   4th  S08  07:10  Punt  S00  06:14  SAFETY  3--8  0:56    
LAV   4th  L35  06:14  Possession  S50  02:59     Punt  5-25  3:15    
SHE   4th  S14  02:59  Punt  S00  02:08  SAFETY  3--14  0:51    
LAV   4th  L35  02:08  Possession  L49  01:13     Fumble  3-14  0:55    
SHE   4th  L49  01:13  Fumble  L49  00:27     Punt  2-0  0:46    
LAV   4th  L20  00:27  Punt  L18  00:00     End of half  2--2  0:27    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)

##  SHERBROOKE   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
56  C. Marchessault  8.5  1.0/6   .   .   1.0/6  
55  Nicolas Charvet  5.0  .   .   .   .  
1   Gabriel Cote   4.5  .   .   .   .  
58  Jonathan Monger  4.0  .   .   1-9   .  
9   Olivier Joly   4.0  .   .   .   .  
25  J. Valiquette-D  4.0  .   .   .   .  
7   Nic. Malenfant   4.0  .   .   .   .  
97  Jer. Verreault   3.0  .   .   .   .  
34  Jeremy Turbide   3.0  .   .   .   .  
28  Marius Masse V.  2.5  .   1-0   .   .  
14  Stev. Chouinard  2.5  .   .   .   .  
26  Alexis Masse   2.0  .   .   .   .  
47  Alex-K Boudreau  2.0  .   .   .   .  
99  Dylan Cote   1.5  .   .   .   .  
44  Justin Dupre   1.0  .   .   .   .  
54  Thomas Belanger  0.5  .   .   .   .  
##  LAVAL   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
7   Cr. Beaulieu   6.0  .   .   .   .  
41  C-Ant. Beaulieu  3.5  .   .   .   .  
17  Samuel Gagne   3.0  .   .   .   .  
24  Felix Petit   2.5  .   .   .   .  
13  Arnaud Laporte   2.5  .   .   1-0   .  
36  Etienne Amiot   2.0  .   .   .   .  
22  Maxym Lavallee   1.5  .   .   .   .  
46  E Pepe Esposito  1.5  1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
44  Alex. Pelchat-F  1.5  1.0/3   .   .   1.0/3  
53  A Felix Audet-M  1.5  0.5/3   .   .   0.5/3  
43  C-A. Jacques   1.5  1.0/8   .   .   1.0/8  
4   Thomas Landry   1.5  0.5/3   .   .   0.5/3  
91  Will. Desgagne   1.0  1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
92  Jean-W. Rouleau  1.0  1.0/4   .   .   .  
11  A. Dansereau-L.  1.0  .   .   .   .  
34  Alec Poirier   1.0  .   .   1-0   .  
45  Alex. Deblois   0.5  .   .   .   .  
93  Yanis Chihat   0.5  .   .   .   .  
6   Anton Haie   0.5  .   .   .   .  
TM  TEAM   .   .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)

SHERBROOKE: 1-Gabriel Cote, 2-Max. Brousseau, 3-Jimmy Larose-J., 5-Marc-Andre Shaw, 6-Emilio Jaimes L, 7-Nic. Malenfant, 9-Olivier Joly, 12-Zach. Cloutier, 14-Stev. Chouinard, 17-Charles Picard, 18-Benjamin Huot, 19-Charles Cote, 20-Antoine Turmel, 21-Pier-O. Cadoret, 23-Lucas Dalin, 24-Bruno Senechal, 25-J. Valiquette-D, 26-Alexis Masse, 28-Marius Masse V., 33-Jean-R Champoux, 34-Jeremy Turbide, 39-Jacob Camire, 40-T. Villeneuve-T, 44-Justin Dupre, 47-Alex-K Boudreau, 48-L. Saint-Amour, 50-E. Bouffard, 52-Jeremy Mercier, 53-T. Pelletier, 54-Thomas Belanger, 55-Nicolas Charvet, 56-C. Marchessault, 58-Jonathan Monger, 62-Anthony Vandal, 63-Jonathan Doyon, 65-Yohan Gauthier, 66-Anthony Horth, 68-Fred. Geoffroy, 69-L-F. St-Hilaire, 70-Louis Tardif, 77-Will. Paquette, 81-Hugo Lacroix, 85-Sebast. Binette, 88-Kevin Morin, 93-Emeric Hamelin, 95-Ed. St-Amand, 97-Jer. Verreault, 99-Dylan Cote.

LAVAL: 2-Nicolas Lessard, 4-Thomas Landry, 5-Max. Saucier-L., 6-Anton Haie, 7-Cr. Beaulieu, 8-Kevin Mital, 9-Thomas Bolduc, 10-Lukas Boulanger, 11-A. Dansereau-L., 12-Ar. Desjardins, 13-Arnaud Laporte, 14-Theod. Seaborn, 15-Freder. Antoine, 17-Samuel Gagne, 19-Joanik Masse, 20-Vincent Delisle, 21-Gabriel Leblond, 22-Maxym Lavallee, 24-Felix Petit, 26-Vinc. Blanchard, 30-Alex Duff, 34-Alec Poirier, 36-Etienne Amiot, 39-David Dallaire, 41-C-Ant. Beaulieu, 42-Alexandre Knox, 43-C-A. Jacques, 44-Alex. Pelchat-F, 45-Alex. Deblois, 46-E Pepe Esposito, 48-Ian Leroux, 53-A Felix Audet-M, 60-Nic. Thibodeau, 61-Nat. Dumoulin D, 63-Nicolas Guay, 65-E. Cloutier, 68-Alex. Masri-Fl., 72-Jean-A. Dean-R., 76-Sam. Quevillon, 81-Is. Gaillardetz, 84-Mathieu Hudon, 85-Youri Gauthier, 86-Ed. Arsenault, 88-Andrew Menzies, 91-Will. Desgagne, 92-Jean-W. Rouleau, 93-Yanis Chihat, 97-David Aube.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
SHERBROOKE..........  0  0  0  3  -  3       Record: (0-1)
LAVAL...............  6 17  0  4  - 27       Record: (1-0)

Scoring Summary:
1st 06:41 LAV - Vinc. Blanchard 34 yd field goal, 11-59 6:41, SHE 0 - LAV 3
    11:29 LAV - Vinc. Blanchard 27 yd field goal, 5-39 1:30, SHE 0 - LAV 6
2nd 01:19 LAV - Kevin Mital 9 yd pass from Ar. Desjardins (Vinc. Blanchard kick), 7-73 3:20, SHE 0 - LAV 13
    07:33 LAV - Vinc. Blanchard 12 yd field goal, 8-40 3:22, SHE 0 - LAV 16
    14:42 LAV - David Dallaire 5 yd run (Vinc. Blanchard kick), 6-55 1:13, SHE 0 - LAV 23
4th 02:43 SHE - Louis Tardif 25 yd field goal, 7-68 2:58, SHE 3 - LAV 23
    08:46 LAV - TEAM safety, , SHE 3 - LAV 25
    12:52 LAV - TEAM safety, , SHE 3 - LAV 27

                                    SHE      LAV
FIRST DOWNS...................       16       24
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    13-49   21-130
PASSING YDS (NET).............      141      308
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  28-12-2  38-28-1
Team Losses...................      -46       -8
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   46-144   60-430
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      4-4     6-77
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     3-26     1-17
Interception Returns-Yards....      1-9      2-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   6-42.7   5-40.4
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     7-40   11-120
Possession Time...............    27:21    32:39
Third-Down Conversions........   0 of 3   2 of 2
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      1-2      4-4
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      1-6     5-32

RUSHING: SHERBROOKE-Lucas Dalin 6-27; Pier-O. Cadoret 2-15; Jimmy
Larose-J. 4-7; Zach. Cloutier 1-0. LAVAL-Joanik Masse 6-47; Gabriel Leblond
5-46; Alex Duff 2-11; Ar. Desjardins 3-11; David Dallaire 2-8; Theod. Seaborn

PASSING: SHERBROOKE-Zach. Cloutier 12-28-2-141. LAVAL-Ar. Desjardins

RECEIVING: SHERBROOKE-Kevin Morin 6-51; Emilio Jaimes L 2-52; Jimmy
Larose-J. 1-22; Marc-Andre Shaw 1-8; Will. Paquette 1-5; Lucas Dalin 1-3.
LAVAL-Ed. Arsenault 6-86; Kevin Mital 4-66; David Dallaire 4-43; Alex Duff 4-41;
A. Dansereau-L. 4-40; Mathieu Hudon 3-13; Freder. Antoine 1-8; Is. Gaillardetz
1-6; Joanik Masse 1-5.

INTERCEPTIONS: SHERBROOKE-Jonathan Monger 1-9. LAVAL-Arnaud Laporte 1-0;
Alec Poirier 1-0.

FUMBLES: SHERBROOKE-None. LAVAL-Mathieu Hudon 1-1.

Stadium: STADE TELUS-UL        Attendance: 9221
Kickoff time: 19:08     End of Game: 21:55     Total elapsed time: 2:47
Officials: Referee: STEPHANE ROY; Umpire: HUGO DALLAIRE; Linesman: MARTIN CAUX;
Line judge: CHARLES LAMPRON; Back judge: RENALD DULAC; Field judge: ALEXANDRE BOILY;
Temperature: 18 C      Wind: 8 KMH SO  Weather: DEGAGE

SHERBROOKE vs LAVAL (2022-08-27 at LAVAL) SACKS (UA-A): SHERBROOKE-C. Marchessault 1-0. LAVAL-C-A. Jacques 1-0; E Pepe Esposito 1-0; Thomas Landry 0-1; Alex. Pelchat-F 1-0; A Felix Audet-M 0-1; Will. Desgagne 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): SHERBROOKE-C. Marchessault 7-3; Nicolas Charvet 5-0; Gabriel Cote 4-1; J. Valiquette-D 4-0; Olivier Joly 4-0; Jonathan Monger 4-0; Nic. Malenfant 3-2; Jeremy Turbide 3-0; Jer. Verreault 3-0; Marius Masse V. 2-1; Stev. Chouinard 2-1; Alex-K Boudreau 2-0; Alexis Masse 2-0; Dylan Cote 1-1; Justin Dupre 1-0; Thomas Belanger 0-1. LAVAL-Cr. Beaulieu 4-4; C-Ant. Beaulieu 3-1; Samuel Gagne 1-4; Arnaud Laporte 2-1; Felix Petit 2-1; Etienne Amiot 2-0; C-A. Jacques 1-1; A Felix Audet-M 1-1; Maxym Lavallee 1-1; Alex. Pelchat-F 1-1; E Pepe Esposito 1-1; Thomas Landry 0-3; A. Dansereau-L. 1-0; Jean-W. Rouleau 1-0; Will. Desgagne 1-0; Alec Poirier 0-2; Alex. Deblois 0-1; Anton Haie 0-1; Yanis Chihat 0-1. Player participation: SHERBROOKE: 1-Gabriel Cote, 2-Max. Brousseau, 3-Jimmy Larose-J., 5-Marc-Andre Shaw, 6-Emilio Jaimes L, 7-Nic. Malenfant, 9-Olivier Joly, 12-Zach. Cloutier, 14-Stev. Chouinard, 17-Charles Picard, 18-Benjamin Huot, 19-Charles Cote, 20-Antoine Turmel, 21-Pier-O. Cadoret, 23-Lucas Dalin, 24-Bruno Senechal, 25-J. Valiquette-D, 26-Alexis Masse, 28-Marius Masse V., 33-Jean-R Champoux, 34-Jeremy Turbide, 39-Jacob Camire, 40-T. Villeneuve-T, 44-Justin Dupre, 47-Alex-K Boudreau, 48-L. Saint-Amour, 50-E. Bouffard, 52-Jeremy Mercier, 53-T. Pelletier, 54-Thomas Belanger, 55-Nicolas Charvet, 56-C. Marchessault, 58-Jonathan Monger, 62-Anthony Vandal, 63-Jonathan Doyon, 65-Yohan Gauthier, 66-Anthony Horth, 68-Fred. Geoffroy, 69-L-F. St-Hilaire, 70-Louis Tardif, 77-Will. Paquette, 81-Hugo Lacroix, 85-Sebast. Binette, 88-Kevin Morin, 93-Emeric Hamelin, 95-Ed. St-Amand, 97-Jer. Verreault, 99-Dylan Cote. LAVAL: 2-Nicolas Lessard, 4-Thomas Landry, 5-Max. Saucier-L., 6-Anton Haie, 7-Cr. Beaulieu, 8-Kevin Mital, 9-Thomas Bolduc, 10-Lukas Boulanger, 11-A. Dansereau-L., 12-Ar. Desjardins, 13-Arnaud Laporte, 14-Theod. Seaborn, 15-Freder. Antoine, 17-Samuel Gagne, 19-Joanik Masse, 20-Vincent Delisle, 21-Gabriel Leblond, 22-Maxym Lavallee, 24-Felix Petit, 26-Vinc. Blanchard, 30-Alex Duff, 34-Alec Poirier, 36-Etienne Amiot, 39-David Dallaire, 41-C-Ant. Beaulieu, 42-Alexandre Knox, 43-C-A. Jacques, 44-Alex. Pelchat-F, 45-Alex. Deblois, 46-E Pepe Esposito, 48-Ian Leroux, 53-A Felix Audet-M, 60-Nic. Thibodeau, 61-Nat. Dumoulin D, 63-Nicolas Guay, 65-E. Cloutier, 68-Alex. Masri-Fl., 72-Jean-A. Dean-R., 76-Sam. Quevillon, 81-Is. Gaillardetz, 84-Mathieu Hudon, 85-Youri Gauthier, 86-Ed. Arsenault, 88-Andrew Menzies, 91-Will. Desgagne, 92-Jean-W. Rouleau, 93-Yanis Chihat, 97-David Aube.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary

1st Quarter

She 1-10at She45SHE ball on SHE45.
Louis Tardif kickoff 57 yards to the LAV8, Alex Duff return 17 yards to the LAV25, out-of-bounds (Justin Dupre).
Lav 1-10at Lav25Ar. Desjardins pass complete to David Dallaire for 18 yards to the LAV43, 1ST DOWN LAV (Olivier Joly).
Lav 1-10at Lav43Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Mathieu Hudon for 33 yards to the SHE34 (Marius Masse V.), PENALTY LAV pass interference 15 yards to the LAV28, NO PLAY.
Lav 1-25at Lav28Joanik Masse rush for 6 yards to the LAV34 (Jer. Verreault).
Lav 2-19at Lav34Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 24 yards to the SHE52, 1ST DOWN LAV (Alexis Masse).
Lav 1-10at She52PENALTY LAV illegal procedure 5 yards to the LAV53.
Lav 1-15at Lav53Ar. Desjardins pass complete to David Dallaire for 7 yards to the SHE50 (Olivier Joly).
Lav 2-8at She50Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 7 yards to the SHE43 (Jeremy Turbide).
Lav 3-1at She43Ar. Desjardins rush for 1 yard to the SHE42, 1ST DOWN LAV (C. Marchessault).
Lav 1-10at She42Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Kevin Mital.
Lav 2-10at She42Ar. Desjardins rush for 10 yards to the SHE32, 1ST DOWN LAV (C. Marchessault).
Lav 1-10at She32Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Alex Duff for 3 yards to the SHE29 (J. Valiquette-D).
Lav 2-7at She29Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Alex Duff for 3 yards to the SHE26 (J. Valiquette-D).
Lav 3-4at She26Vinc. Blanchard field goal attempt from 34 GOOD, clock 08:19.
Lav 1-Gat Lav45Change of possession, SHE ball on SHE35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 11 plays, 59 yards, TOP 06:41
She 1-10at She35SHERBROOKE drive start at 08:19.
She 1-10at She35Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Emilio Jaimes L.
She 2-10at She35Zach. Cloutier sacked for loss of 8 yards to the SHE27 (E Pepe Esposito).
She 3-18at She27Jacob Camire punt 36 yards to the LAV47, A. Dansereau-L. return to the SHE48 (Nicolas Charvet), PENALTY LAV UR - roughing the kicker 15 yards to the SHE42, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at She42Jimmy Larose-J. rush for no gain to the SHE42 (Cr. Beaulieu;Yanis Chihat).
She 2-10at She42Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for 5 yards to the SHE47 (Cr. Beaulieu).
She 3-5at She47Jacob Camire punt 34 yards to the LAV29, A. Dansereau-L. return 22 yards to the LAV51 (Alex-K Boudreau).
Drive: 5 plays, 12 yards, TOP 03:18
Lav 1-10at Lav51LAVAL drive start at 05:01.
Lav 1-10at Lav51Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Alex Duff for 7 yards to the SHE52, out-of-bounds (J. Valiquette-D).
Lav 2-3at She52Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Kevin Mital for 27 yards to the SHE25, 1ST DOWN LAV, out-of-bounds (Jeremy Turbide).
Lav 1-10at She25Timeout LAVAL, clock 04:19.
Lav 1-10at She25Joanik Masse rush for 5 yards to the SHE20 (Gabriel Cote).
Lav 2-5at She20Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Kevin Mital, dropped pass (Gabriel Cote).
Lav 3-5at She20Vinc. Blanchard field goal attempt from 27 GOOD, clock 03:31.
Lav 1-Gat Lav45Change of possession, SHE ball on SHE35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 5 plays, 39 yards, TOP 01:30
She 1-10at She35SHERBROOKE drive start at 03:31.
She 1-10at She35Jimmy Larose-J. rush for no gain to the SHE35 (Alec Poirier;Thomas Landry).
She 2-10at She35Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Marc-Andre Shaw.
She 3-10at She35Jacob Camire punt 52 yards to the LAV23, A. Dansereau-L. return 14 yards to the LAV37 (Jonathan Monger).
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:30
Lav 1-10at Lav37LAVAL drive start at 02:01.
Lav 1-10at Lav37Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Freder. Antoine for 8 yards to the LAV45 (Alexis Masse).
Lav 2-2at Lav45Joanik Masse rush for 10 yards to the 55 yardline, 1ST DOWN LAV (Nicolas Charvet).
Lav 1-10at Lav55Ar. Desjardins pass complete to David Dallaire for 16 yards to the SHE39, 1ST DOWN LAV (Nicolas Charvet).
Lav 1-10at She39Ar. Desjardins pass complete to A. Dansereau-L. for 8 yards to the SHE31 (C. Marchessault).
Drive: 4 plays, 42 yards, TOP 03:22
2nd Quarter

Lav 2-2at She31Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Lav 2-2at She31Joanik Masse rush for 8 yards to the SHE23, 1ST DOWN LAV (Gabriel Cote).
Lav 1-10at She23Joanik Masse rush for 14 yards to the SHE9, 1ST DOWN LAV (Jeremy Turbide).
Lav 1-Gat She09Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Kevin Mital for 9 yards to the SHE0, 1ST DOWN LAV, TOUCHDOWN, clock 13:41, Vinc. Blanchard kick attempt good.
Lav 1-Gat Lav45PENALTY SHE UR - face mask 15 yards to the SHE50.
Drive: 7 plays, 73 yards, TOP 03:22
Vinc. Blanchard kickoff 47 yards to the SHE3, Pier-O. Cadoret return 1 yards to the SHE4, out-of-bounds.
She 1-10at She04SHERBROOKE drive start at 13:39.
She 1-10at She04Zach. Cloutier sacked for loss of 3 yards to the SHE1 (Alex. Pelchat-F).
She 2-13at She01Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for 18 yards to the SHE19, 1ST DOWN SHE.
She 1-10at She19Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Will. Paquette for 5 yards to the SHE24 (Cr. Beaulieu).
She 2-5at She24Zach. Cloutier sacked for loss of 7 yards to the SHE17 (Will. Desgagne).
She 3-12at She17Jacob Camire punt 37 yards to the SHE54, A. Dansereau-L. return 9 yards to the SHE45, out-of-bounds (Jonathan Monger).
Drive: 4 plays, 13 yards, TOP 02:50
Lav 1-10at She45LAVAL drive start at 10:49.
Lav 1-10at She45Alex Duff rush for 9 yards to the SHE36 (Dylan Cote).
Lav 2-1at She36Ar. Desjardins rush for no gain to the SHE36 (Jonathan Monger).
Lav 3-1at She36David Dallaire rush for 3 yards to the SHE33, 1ST DOWN LAV (C. Marchessault).
Lav 1-10at She33Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Freder. Antoine.
Lav 2-10at She33Timeout LAVAL, clock 09:02.
Lav 2-10at She33Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 24 yards to the SHE9, 1ST DOWN LAV (Nic. Malenfant).
Lav 1-Gat She09Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Freder. Antoine (J. Valiquette-D).
Lav 2-Gat She09Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Mathieu Hudon for 4 yards to the SHE5 (Marius Masse V.).
Lav 3-Gat She05Vinc. Blanchard field goal attempt from 12 GOOD, clock 07:27.
Lav 1-Gat Lav45Change of possession, SHE ball on SHE35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 8 plays, 40 yards, TOP 03:22
She 1-10at She35SHERBROOKE drive start at 07:27.
She 1-10at She35Zach. Cloutier pass intercepted by Alec Poirier at the SHE49, Alec Poirier return 0 yards to the SHE49.
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:32
Lav 1-10at She49LAVAL drive start at 06:55.
Lav 1-10at She49Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Joanik Masse for 5 yards to the SHE44 (Nicolas Charvet).
Lav 2-5at She44PENALTY LAV illegal procedure 5 yards to the SHE49.
Lav 2-10at She49Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Kevin Mital, dropped pass.
Lav 3-10at She49Vinc. Blanchard punt 38 yards to the SHE11, Marc-Andre Shaw return 2 yards to the SHE13 (C-Ant. Beaulieu).
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:52
She 1-10at She13SHERBROOKE drive start at 05:03.
She 1-10at She13Pier-O. Cadoret rush for 11 yards to the SHE24, 1ST DOWN SHE (Cr. Beaulieu;Arnaud Laporte).
She 1-10at She24Zach. Cloutier sacked for loss of 6 yards to the SHE18 (A Felix Audet-M;Thomas Landry).
She 2-16at She18Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Jimmy Larose-J. for 22 yards to the SHE40, 1ST DOWN SHE (Alec Poirier;Felix Petit).
She 1-10at She40PENALTY SHE illegal procedure 5 yards to the SHE35.
She 1-15at She35Jimmy Larose-J. rush for 6 yards to the SHE41 (Samuel Gagne;Alex. Pelchat-F).
She 2-9at She41Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Kevin Morin, PENALTY SHE holding 10 yards to the SHE31, NO PLAY, PENALTY LAV UR - roughing the passer 15 yards to the SHE46, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at She46Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Marc-Andre Shaw for 8 yards to the SHE54, out-of-bounds.
She 2-2at She54Jimmy Larose-J. rush for 1 yard to the 55 yardline (A Felix Audet-M).
She 3-1at She55Zach. Cloutier rush for no gain to the 55 yardline (Cr. Beaulieu;C-A. Jacques).
Drive: 8 plays, 42 yards, TOP 03:32
Lav 1-10at Lav55LAVAL drive start at 01:31.
Lav 1-10at Lav55Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Kevin Mital for 8 yards to the SHE47, out-of-bounds (Stev. Chouinard).
Lav 2-2at She47Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 12 yards to the SHE35, 1ST DOWN LAV.
Lav 1-10at She35Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Mathieu Hudon.
Lav 2-10at She35Ar. Desjardins pass complete to A. Dansereau-L. for 16 yards to the SHE19, 1ST DOWN LAV (Nic. Malenfant).
Lav 1-10at She19Ar. Desjardins pass complete to A. Dansereau-L. for 14 yards to the SHE5, 1ST DOWN LAV.
Lav 1-Gat She05David Dallaire rush for 5 yards to the SHE0, 1ST DOWN LAV, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:18, Vinc. Blanchard kick attempt good.
Drive: 6 plays, 55 yards, TOP 01:19
Vinc. Blanchard kickoff 66 yards to the SHE-1, Marc-Andre Shaw return 11 yards to the SHE10, PENALTY SHE illegal block 5 yards to the SHE5, 1st and 10, SHE ball on SHE5.
She 1-10at She05SHERBROOKE drive start at 00:12.
She 1-10at She05Lucas Dalin rush for 11 yards to the SHE16, 1ST DOWN SHE (Cr. Beaulieu).
She 1-10at She16PENALTY SHE offside 5 yards to the SHE11.
She 1-15at She11Lucas Dalin rush for loss of 4 yards to the SHE7 (Jean-W. Rouleau).
She 2-19at She07End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, 2 yards, TOP 00:12
3rd Quarter

She 2-19at She07Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, LAV ball on LAV45.
Drive: 2 plays, 2 yards, TOP 00:12
Vinc. Blanchard kickoff 59 yards to the SHE6, Pier-O. Cadoret return 14 yards to the SHE20 (Etienne Amiot).
She 1-10at She20SHERBROOKE drive start at 14:54.
She 1-10at She20Lucas Dalin rush for 2 yards to the SHE22 (Samuel Gagne).
She 2-8at She22Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for 10 yards to the SHE32, 1ST DOWN SHE (Maxym Lavallee).
She 1-10at She32Lucas Dalin rush for 4 yards to the SHE36 (Samuel Gagne;Maxym Lavallee).
She 2-6at She36Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Kevin Morin, PENALTY LAV pass interference 15 yards to the SHE51, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at She51Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Emilio Jaimes L for 7 yards to the LAV52, out-of-bounds (Arnaud Laporte).
She 2-3at Lav52Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Marc-Andre Shaw, PENALTY SHE offside declined.
She 3-3at Lav52Jacob Camire punt 35 yards to the LAV17, A. Dansereau-L. return 7 yards to the LAV24 (Nicolas Charvet).
Drive: 6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 03:43
Lav 1-10at Lav24LAVAL drive start at 11:11.
Lav 1-10at Lav24Gabriel Leblond rush for 9 yards to the LAV33 (C. Marchessault).
Lav 2-1at Lav33Gabriel Leblond rush for 8 yards to the LAV41, 1ST DOWN LAV (Stev. Chouinard;Nic. Malenfant).
Lav 1-10at Lav41Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Alex Duff for 28 yards to the SHE41, 1ST DOWN LAV (Marius Masse V.;C. Marchessault).
Lav 1-10at She41Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Ed. Arsenault.
Lav 2-10at She41Ar. Desjardins pass intercepted by Jonathan Monger at the SHE24, Jonathan Monger return 9 yards to the SHE33 (A. Dansereau-L.).
Drive: 5 plays, 45 yards, TOP 03:04
She 1-10at She33SHERBROOKE drive start at 08:07.
She 1-10at She33Pier-O. Cadoret rush for 4 yards to the SHE37 (Cr. Beaulieu;Thomas Landry).
She 2-6at She37Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for 9 yards to the SHE46, 1ST DOWN SHE (C-Ant. Beaulieu).
She 1-10at She46Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Will. Paquette, dropped pass.
She 2-10at She46Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Emilio Jaimes L, PENALTY LAV illegal contact on an eligible receiver 10 yards to the LAV54, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at Lav54Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete.
She 2-10at Lav54Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Marc-Andre Shaw (Nicolas Lessard), PENALTY LAV offside defense 5 yards to the LAV49, NO PLAY.
She 2-5at Lav49Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Max. Brousseau, PENALTY LAV illegal contact on an eligible receiver 10 yards to the LAV39, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at Lav39Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Kevin Morin, PENALTY LAV objectionable conduct 10 yards to the LAV29, 1ST DOWN SHE.
She 1-10at Lav29Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Lucas Dalin.
She 2-10at Lav292nd and 10.
She 2-10at Lav29Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Marc-Andre Shaw for no gain to the LAV29 (Alex. Pelchat-F), PENALTY LAV UR - roughing the passer 15 yards to the LAV14, 1ST DOWN SHE, NO PLAY.
She 1-10at Lav14Zach. Cloutier pass intercepted by Arnaud Laporte at the LAV0, Arnaud Laporte return 0 yards to the LAV0, LAV ball on LAV10.
Drive: 10 plays, 63 yards, TOP 04:43
Lav 1-10at Lav10LAVAL drive start at 03:24.
Lav 1-10at Lav10Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Kevin Mital for 22 yards to the LAV32, 1ST DOWN LAV (Gabriel Cote).
Lav 1-10at Lav32Theod. Seaborn rush for no gain to the LAV32 (Nic. Malenfant).
Lav 2-10at Lav32Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 11 yards to the LAV43, 1ST DOWN LAV (Stev. Chouinard).
Lav 1-10at Lav43Alex Duff rush for 2 yards to the LAV45 (Jer. Verreault).
Lav 2-8at Lav45Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete (Dylan Cote).
Lav 3-8at Lav45Vinc. Blanchard punt 42 yards to the SHE23, Marc-Andre Shaw return 1 yards to the SHE24 (Felix Petit).
Drive: 5 plays, 35 yards, TOP 03:09
She 1-10at She24SHERBROOKE drive start at 00:15.
She 1-10at She24Lucas Dalin rush for 12 yards to the SHE36, 1ST DOWN SHE (Samuel Gagne;Alex. Deblois).
Drive: 1 plays, 12 yards, TOP 02:58
4th Quarter

She 1-10at She36Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
She 1-10at She36Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for 9 yards to the SHE45, out-of-bounds (Arnaud Laporte).
She 2-1at She45Lucas Dalin rush for 2 yards to the SHE47, 1ST DOWN SHE (E Pepe Esposito;Samuel Gagne).
She 1-10at She47Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Emilio Jaimes L for 45 yards to the LAV18, 1ST DOWN SHE, out-of-bounds (Felix Petit).
She 1-10at Lav18Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Will. Paquette.
She 2-10at Lav18Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Will. Paquette.
She 3-10at Lav18Louis Tardif field goal attempt from 25 GOOD, clock 12:17.
She 1-Gat She45Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 7 plays, 68 yards, TOP 02:58
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 12:17.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Ar. Desjardins pass complete to A. Dansereau-L. for 2 yards to the LAV37 (Gabriel Cote;C. Marchessault).
Lav 2-8at Lav37Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Mathieu Hudon for 6 yards to the LAV43.
Lav 3-2at Lav43Vinc. Blanchard punt 51 yards to the SHE16, Max. Brousseau return -1 yards to the SHE15 (Etienne Amiot).
Drive: 2 plays, 8 yards, TOP 01:34
She 1-10at She15SHERBROOKE drive start at 10:43.
She 1-10at She15Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Lucas Dalin for 3 yards to the SHE18 (Cr. Beaulieu).
She 2-7at She18Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Pier-O. Cadoret, dropped pass.
She 3-7at She18Jacob Camire punt 49 yards to the LAV43, A. Dansereau-L. return 12 yards to the 55 yardline (Alex-K Boudreau).
Drive: 2 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:16
Lav 1-10at Lav55LAVAL drive start at 09:27.
Lav 1-10at Lav55Joanik Masse rush for 4 yards to the SHE51 (Thomas Belanger;Dylan Cote).
Lav 2-6at She51Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Ed. Arsenault for 8 yards to the SHE43, 1ST DOWN LAV (Jonathan Monger).
Lav 1-10at She43Ar. Desjardins pass complete to David Dallaire for 2 yards to the SHE41 (Olivier Joly).
Lav 2-8at She41Ar. Desjardins pass incomplete to Kevin Mital.
Lav 3-8at She41Vinc. Blanchard punt 33 yards to the SHE8, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 4 plays, 14 yards, TOP 02:17
She 1-10at She08SHERBROOKE drive start at 07:10.
She 1-10at She08Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Will. Paquette.
She 2-10at She08Timeout SHERBROOKE, clock 06:25.
She 2-10at She08Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Kevin Morin.
She 3-10at She08Team rush for loss of 8 yards to the SHE0, TEAM safety, clock 06:14.
She 1-Gat She35Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 8 yards, TOP 00:56
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 06:14.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Gabriel Leblond rush for 4 yards to the LAV39 (Jer. Verreault).
Lav 2-6at Lav39Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Is. Gaillardetz for 6 yards to the LAV45, 1ST DOWN LAV (Gabriel Cote).
Lav 1-10at Lav45Gabriel Leblond rush for 15 yards to the SHE50, 1ST DOWN LAV, out-of-bounds (J. Valiquette-D).
Lav 1-10at She50Theod. Seaborn rush for 6 yards to the SHE44 (Olivier Joly).
Lav 2-4at She44Ar. Desjardins sacked for loss of 6 yards to the SHE50 (C. Marchessault).
Lav 3-10at She50Vinc. Blanchard punt 38 yards to the SHE12, Max. Brousseau return 2 yards to the SHE14 (Anton Haie;C-Ant. Beaulieu).
Drive: 5 plays, 25 yards, TOP 03:15
She 1-10at She14SHERBROOKE drive start at 02:59.
She 1-10at She14Zach. Cloutier sacked for loss of 8 yards to the SHE6 (C-A. Jacques).
She 2-18at She06Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Marc-Andre Shaw.
She 3-18at She06Team rush for loss of 6 yards to the SHE0, TEAM safety, clock 02:08.
She 1-Gat She35Change of possession, LAV ball on LAV35, 1st and 10.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 14 yards, TOP 00:51
Lav 1-10at Lav35LAVAL drive start at 02:08.
Lav 1-10at Lav35Gabriel Leblond rush for 10 yards to the LAV45, 1ST DOWN LAV (C. Marchessault).
Lav 1-10at Lav45Theod. Seaborn rush for 1 yard to the LAV46 (C. Marchessault;Nic. Malenfant).
Lav 2-9at Lav46Ar. Desjardins pass complete to Mathieu Hudon for 3 yards to the LAV49, fumble forced by Marius Masse V., fumble by Mathieu Hudon recovered by SHE Marius Masse V. at LAV49.
Drive: 3 plays, 14 yards, TOP 00:55
She 1-10at Lav49SHERBROOKE drive start at 01:13.
She 1-10at Lav49Zach. Cloutier pass incomplete to Emilio Jaimes L (Cr. Beaulieu), PENALTY SHE holding declined.
She 2-10at Lav49Zach. Cloutier pass complete to Kevin Morin for no gain to the LAV49 (C-Ant. Beaulieu).
She 3-10at Lav49Jacob Camire punt 49 yards to the LAV0, Alex Duff return 13 yards to the LAV13 (Nicolas Charvet), LAV ball on LAV20.
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:46
Lav 1-10at Lav20LAVAL drive start at 00:27.
Lav 1-10at Lav20TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the LAV19.
Lav 2-11at Lav19TEAM rush for loss of 1 yard to the LAV18.
Lav 3-12at Lav18End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 00:27

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)

SHERBROOKE                             LAVAL

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   15   33     48     OVERALL..........   23   39     62
1ST DOWN.........   10   19     29     1ST DOWN.........   15   20     35
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    2    1      3     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    4    2      6
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    2      2     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    4      4
2ND DOWN-LONG....    0   11     11     2ND DOWN-LONG....    2   13     15
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    1    0      1     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0
3RD DOWN-LONG....    2    0      2     3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    0      0
4TH DOWN.........    0    0      0     4TH DOWN.........    0    0      0

SHERBROOKE                             LAVAL

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   15   33     48       ...............   23   39     62

SHERBROOKE (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (10 RUN, 19 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 S13 #21 11 [ ] 1-10 L14 #12 to #13 INT [ ] 1-10 S33 #21 4 [ ] 1-10 L29 #12 to #23 - [ ] 1-10 S24 #23 12 [ ] 1-10 S15 #12 to #23 3 [ ] 1-10 S32 #23 4 [ ] 1-10 S35 #12 to #34 INT [ ] 1-10 S20 #23 2 [ ] 1-10 S46 #12 to #5 8 [ ] 1-10 S05 #23 11 [ ] 1-10 S35 #12 to #6 - [ ] 1-15 S11 #23 -4 [ ] 1-10 S47 #12 to #6 45 [ ] 1-15 S35 #3 6 [ ] 1-10 L49 #12 to #6 - [ ] 1-10 S42 #3 0 [ ] 1-10 S51 #12 to #6 7 [ ] 1-10 S35 #3 0 [ ] 1-10 S19 #12 to #77 5 [ ] 1-10 S46 #12 to #77 - [ ] 1-10 S08 #12 to #77 - [ ] 1-10 L18 #12 to #77 - [ ] 1-10 S36 #12 to #88 9 [ ] 1-10 L39 #12 to #88 - [ ] 1-10 S14 #12 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 S04 #12 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 L54 #12 to # - [ ] 1-10 S24 #12 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-1 S45 #23 2 [ ] 2-3 L52 #12 to #5 - [ ] 2-2 S54 #3 1 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-6 S37 #12 to #88 9 [ ] 2-5 S24 #12 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 11 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 S18 #12 to #21 - [ ] 2-16 S18 #12 to #3 22 [ ] 2-18 S06 #12 to #5 - [ ] 2-10 S35 #12 to #5 - [ ] 2-10 L18 #12 to #77 - [ ] 2-10 S08 #12 to #88 - [ ] 2-10 L49 #12 to #88 0 [ ] 2-10 S42 #12 to #88 5 [ ] 2-8 S22 #12 to #88 10 [ ] 2-13 S01 #12 to #88 18 [ ] 2-10 S35 #12 to # SACK [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 S55 #12 0 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-18 S06 #TM -6 [ ] 3-10 S08 #TM -8 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS
LAVAL (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (15 RUN, 20 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 L32 #14 0 [ ] 1-10 L35 #12 to #11 2 [ ] 1-10 L45 #14 1 [ ] 1-10 S19 #12 to #11 14 [ ] 1-10 S50 #14 6 [ ] 1-10 S39 #12 to #11 8 [ ] 1-10 S25 #19 5 [ ] 1-10 S33 #12 to #15 - [ ] 1-25 L28 #19 6 [ ] 1-10 L37 #12 to #15 8 [ ] 1-10 L55 #19 4 [ ] 1-9 S09 #12 to #15 - [ ] 1-10 S23 #19 14 [ ] 1-10 S49 #12 to #19 5 [ ] 1-10 L35 #21 10 [ ] 1-10 S32 #12 to #30 3 [ ] 1-10 L35 #21 4 [ ] 1-10 L41 #12 to #30 28 [ ] 1-10 L45 #21 15 [ ] 1-10 L51 #12 to #30 7 [ ] 1-10 L24 #21 9 [ ] 1-10 L25 #12 to #39 18 [ ] 1-10 L43 #30 2 [ ] 1-15 L53 #12 to #39 7 [ ] 1-10 S45 #30 9 [ ] 1-10 L55 #12 to #39 16 [ ] 1-5 S05 #39 5 [ ] 1-10 S43 #12 to #39 2 [ ] 1-10 L20 #TM -1 [ ] 1-9 S09 #12 to #8 9 [ ] 1-10 L10 #12 to #8 22 [ ] 1-10 S42 #12 to #8 - [ ] 1-10 L55 #12 to #8 8 [ ] 1-10 S35 #12 to #84 - [ ] 1-10 S41 #12 to #86 - [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (4 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-1 S36 #12 0 [ ] 2-3 S52 #12 to #8 27 [ ] 2-2 L45 #19 10 [ ] 2-2 S47 #12 to #86 12 [ ] 2-2 S31 #19 8 [ ] 2-1 L33 #21 8 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 4 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-5 S20 #12 to #8 - [ ] 2-6 L39 #12 to #81 6 [ ] 2-6 S51 #12 to #86 8 [ ] 2-4 S44 #12 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (2 RUN, 13 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 S42 #12 10 [ ] 2-10 S35 #12 to #11 16 [ ] 2-11 L19 #TM -1 [ ] 2-7 S29 #12 to #30 3 [ ] 2-10 S41 #12 to #58 INT [ ] 2-8 S41 #12 to #8 - [ ] 2-10 S49 #12 to #8 - [ ] 2-9 S09 #12 to #84 4 [ ] 2-9 L46 #12 to #84 3 [ ] 2-8 L37 #12 to #84 6 [ ] 2-8 S50 #12 to #86 7 [ ] 2-19 L34 #12 to #86 24 [ ] 2-10 L32 #12 to #86 11 [ ] 2-10 S33 #12 to #86 24 [ ] 2-8 L45 #12 to # - [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 S43 #12 1 [ ] 3-1 S36 #39 3 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS